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September 2019 News

Miss Serena's Class

Baturyn Playschool

  September 2019



Welcome Parent's and Students to a wonderful new school year!  

Preschool is an exciting milestone in your child's life.  

Your child is embarking on a journey that will lead them on many roads of discovery and learning. I am looking forward to getting to know both you and your child this year.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask!





For the month of September, we will mainly focus on getting our routine and rules in place and getting to know one another! We will start out "All About Me" theme towards the end of the month. 

We will be celebrating our August and September birthdays this month! If you would like to bring in a treat on your child's birthday, it MUST BE store bought and nut free. Please let me know if you plan on bringing in a treat! 



- Xavier (31) 

- Tajia (16) 
- Dylan (29)


- Austin (11) 
- Hamza (19)



Please note that there is NO parking allowed in the parking lot, not even for duty parents.  You must park on the street and walk to the school.  This is for the safety of all children in the area. Thank You for your Cooperation!

 **If someone is coming to pick up/drop off your child, other than those listed on the registration form, you will need to fill out a pick up/drop off form (posted on the bulletin board and on line) ahead of time. The person MUST be 18 years of age and show picture ID. **

  •  Morning Classes begin at 9AM (doors opened by 8:45) & Afternoon classes begin at 12:45PM (doors open by 12:30). (duty parents are to arrive 15 mins before class starts.) Please try to be on time as we lock the front doors as soon as class starts.  If you require entry during class, please knock on the classroom window or call the classroom number: 780-473-1915
  • Please make sure your child's cubby is emptied after each class. Additional communication from the school is found in the cubbies.  When returning any forms etc. please place them in the basket found on top the cubbies.
  • Please ensure your child brings the following to school with them everyday: plastic plate and cup, complete change of clothing (pants, underwear, shirt and socks) in a plastic bag left in their backpack. We will be going outside even if it is a bit chilly!  We do not have extra clothing so please make sure your child is dressed for the weather everyday.
  • YOUR CHILD MUST BE SIGNED IN AND OUT EVERY DAY. The binder for this is found in top of the cubbies.  Please ensure whom ever is dropping/picking up your child is aware of this policy.
  • On your duty day you are responsible for bringing a drink or snack to share with the class, please check the calendar for your assigned duty day. NO NUT OR PEANUT PRODUCTS. (nor "may contain, processed in a facility, etc...) Also, snack must be brought to school in a sealed (unopened) package and be prepared at the playschool BEFORE class begins.
  • Please be aware on Field Trip days the classes for that day will be combined. Some field trips are better offered in the morning and therefore afternoon classes will be canceled on that day.  Other field trips are better offered in the afternoon and then morning classes will be canceled.  Keep your eye on the Class Calendar for dates and times for the field trip. Duty parents please make sure your snack is portable (i.e. juice boxes or crackers) on field trip day.



3AM  - Thursday, September 26th (weather dependant)
4AM & 4PM - Friday September 27th (weather dependant)

 Pictures are taken during class time.  Individual and a Class Photo will be taken.  We really love doing the photos outdoor and this time of year the weather may not cooperate.  If the pictures have to be rescheduled notification will be sent via Miss Serena's remind system.

 Duty Requests

Please ensure all parent duty request forms for November are submitted no later than Thursday, September 20th.
**Please Note: Due to an overwhelming amount of requests all requests are not always able to be granted.  The Duty Parent Coordinator will do her best to accommodate as many as possible.  Please also ensure you are available for at LEAST 1-2 days per month per child enrolled.

Monthly Playschool Board Meetings

All parents are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, concerns or just wished to be informed of the happenings of the playschool, this is your opportunity! Please contact the chair to have you put on the agenda.

Emergency Parents Wanted

We are in need of a few parents/grandparents etc. from all classes to volunteer to be an emergency parent in case someone does not show up for their parent duty day.  If you can help out please let Miss Serena  know. 
**Please note if we are unable to find a replacement duty parent, the class will be cancelled.**

How Can We Reach You???

From time to time, the school needs to get in contact with parents.  Handouts can be put in your child's cubby.  Messages are posted on the bulletin board.  Voicemails are left at the number provided on your registration form. Remind texts sent. Emails can be sent if preferred. Also the Playschool has a Facebook page which information is shared on as well.

Please take time to read and respond to the information handed out and update your contact information if any changes occur to prevent any anger or frustration.

Coming soon:  The Silent Auction will be held in conjunction with the Christmas Concerts on the evening of December 13th. (Classes are cancelled on the 13th in lieu of this event). We are looking for donations of any new items or gift cards. These items can be brought to the Playschool anytime and left with Miss Serener Stephanie. If you need donation letters, please contact the fundraising chair. If you have any further questions, please contact Stephanie: bcps.Fundraiser@gmail.com

**REMEMBER: All funds profited will be directly used for the benefit of your children to support field trips, class parties, special crafts and gifts!

Parent involvement is an essential component to a successful playschool program. A HUGE Thank You to those parents who have already signed up for the extra duties.


All our playschool information can also be found on our website, check it out at 

We also have a Facebook Page please like us and you will get reminders for upcoming events and things that are happening around town that maybe of interest to you and your children.



The Newsletter can be found at: www.baturynplayschooledmonton.weebly.com under the heading Playschool Newsletter
 The newsletter gets posted once a month, if you would like to have it automatically emailed to you when it is posted, just insert your email address at the top right hand corner of the newsletter where it states Follow By Email.  If you have it emailed to you all the hyperlinks in the Newsletter will work for you.

Class Event Calendar

Each class has an online calendar that can be found on our website at: 3AM, 3/4AM, 4AM and 4PM
This is where you will find out your Duty Parent Days, what the Theme is for the Week is, The Letter of the week, class Field trips, Book Order Due Dates and all other activities that are going on in class or about the class.
Please check your child's class calendar often as it has changes done to it on the 1st of the month and as needed for activities. Duty Parent scheduling is done about 6 weeks in advance to allow for parents to have adequate time to arrange for their duty day.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year at either (780)473-1915 or baturynplayschool@gmail.com

I look forward to the months together,
Miss Serena 

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